Fukuoka Market in March


MADAI – Red sea bream

  • Madai - Sea Bream

This is a fish that has been favored by Japanese from long ago. It can be enjoyed by preparing it as shimokawa zukuri or marbling the skin by torching or pouring hot water so that the flavor of the fat beneath the skin can be showcased for sushi or sashimi.
Although farm raised varieties have become popular lately, it is said that wild red sea bream is of another world.

SAYORI – Halfbeak

  • Sayori - Halfbeak

Known as the “beautiful fish that tells of the arrival of Spring,” Halfbeak are a high-quality white fish that are in their peak season from late-Fall through Spring.
They can also be enjoyed in early Fall. Perfect for preparing in thin slices that showcase the translucent meat, of course, you can enjoy it as a sushi topping in the silver-skin variety.


  • SAKURAMASU – Cherry salmon

Cherry salmon announces the arrival of spring. After swimming the ocean, the cherry salmon return to the rivers where they were born. They are thought to have gotten their name because their return coincides with the cherry blossom season and the meat being cherry in color.
Soft in texture with strong umami and sweetness, if enjoying them raw, please do so after freezing them once.
春を告げる魚サクラマス。海に下ったサクラマスは 1 年後、自らが産 まれた川に戻ってきます。その時期が桜の咲く頃であることや、その身 の色が桜色であることから「桜鱒」と呼ばれるようになったと言われて います。
身質は柔らかく、強い旨味と甘みがあります。生食の際には 一度凍らせてからお使いください。


  • AKAMUTSU - Black throat
  • AKAMUTSU – Black throat
  • AKAMUTSU – Black throat

“Benihitomi” is brand name of akamutsu that fish caught in Tsushima and Iki Island area sea by “Jigokunawa” fishing style. “Benihitomi” is called “King of Akamutsu”.

KINMEDAI – Alfonsino

  • Kinmedai - Alfonsino
  • KINMEDAI - Alfonsino

Each Alfonsino that has matured in the Japanese current have been caught by hand. Alfonsinos caught and carefully handled by fishermen on small boats are bought on auction and shipped directly to the U.S.

AMADAI – Japanese Tilefish

  • AMADAI – Japanese tilefish
  • Amadai - Japanese tilefish

A white fish that is soft and juicy, it requires delicate handling as it can easily lose its shape despite being moderately fibrous. It is customary to cook after draining the meat of excess water.
It presents its own distinct flavor accompanied by a sweet fragrance when frying the skin.

KURODAI – Black bream

  • Kurodai - Black porgy
  • Kurodai - Black porgy
  • Kurodai Sashimi

In Fukuoka, Kurodai is called “Meita” or “Chinu”, depending on its size. When it is over 11 inches, they call it “Chinu”.
During its best season, the taste of Kurodai is said to be as good as Madai, if not better.

AMADAI – Japanese tilefish

  • Amadai - Japanese tilefish
  • Amadai - Japanese tilefish

In the season from fall to early spring, amadai are particularly rich in fat and delicious sweetness.

KASAGO – Marbled rockfish

  • KASAGO - Marbled rockfish
  • KASAGO - Marbled rockfish
  • KASAGO - Marbled rockfish

In Japan, the haiku seasonal word (kigo), of kasago is spring. However, in the present day, it is available year-round in the fish market. The taste is best from the end of November to February.
In Fukuoka, it’s called arakabu and is a very popular fish in this area.It has refined white flesh and is quite perishable. However, we ship it very fresh to the U.S. market, maintaining its good quality.


  • HOUBOU - Sea Robin
  • HOUBOU - Sea Robin

This fish is caught year-round and maintains its flavor throughout. Especially the months between November and February are most delicious due to the additional marbling.
Despite being a white fish you the marbling masks the otherwise bland flavor making this fish perfect for sweet-boils, grilling, and even raw.
通年獲れる魚で年間通して美味しい魚です。中でもこの時期 11月から 2 月が脂がのって最も美味しい旬になります。白身ですが淡白さをそれほど感じさせないほどに旨みがあり、煮付け、焼き魚、生でも美味しい魚です。

TACHIUO – Beltfish

  • TACHIUO - Beltfish

Although the spawning season for beltfish is between June and October and it is said that they are
most tasty during that time, they grow even bigger from Fall through Winter and gain marbling, lending to even more flavor.

KASAGO – Marbled rockfish

  • KASAGO - Marbled rockfish
  • KASAGO - Marbled rockfish
  • KASAGO - Marbled rockfish

Caught throughout the year and delicious in all seasons, seasonal language designates
this as a Spring fish. Called arakabu in Fukuoka, people especially like to prepare it as a sweet-boil. Despite the extremely delicately flavored meat being prone to losing its freshness, we will deliver it to you directly from the Fukuoka Market while it is still fresh.

MEDAI – Japanese butterfish

  • MEDAI - Japanese butterfish

This is a good cost performance fish.
The white flesh has a very good umami taste but the price is reasonable compared to other fish.
The soft texture is good for various cooking styles. Simmered and hot-pot style are especially suitable.

SUZUKI – Japanese seabass

  • SUZUKI - Japanese Sea perch
  • SUZUKI – Japanese Seabass

Normally, Japanese sea perch is considered a fish of early Summer.
However, this year the catches started arriving much sooner than in the years passed. Often prepared as arai or a
broil, it is also commonly used in French cuisine. The un-fishy flavor is sure to be a pleaser.

ITOYORI – Threadfin bream

  • ITOYORI – Threadfin bream
  • ITOYORI – Threadfin-bream

The brilliant pink meat not only is delicious but also adds a burst of color to the cuisine, especially delicious when marbled by flash boiling with hot water. The perfect amount of fibrous texture of this white fish lends to a perfect bite. Go light if sweet-boiling or go for preparation methods such as soups that accentuate the delicate flavor. Those caught in Hagi, Yamaguchi Prefecture are the best during this season.

MEJINA – Large scale blackfish

  • MEJINA – Largescale blackfish
  • MEJINA – Largescale blackfish

Compared to the Largescale blackfish that are caught in the summer, those in the winter are in their prime with added marbling and less fishiness. The crunchy texture of the meat is said to be levels above red sea bream.
We recommend serving this fish as matsukawa zukuri, leaving the well-marbled skin intact.


  • Kurodai - Black porgy
  • Kurodai - Black porgy
  • Kurodai Sashimi

In Fukuoka, Kurodai is called “Meita” or “Chinu”, depending on its size. When it is over 11 inches, they call it “Chinu”.
During its best season, the taste of Kurodai is said to be as good as Madai, if not better.


  • Sawara - Spanish mackerel
  • Sawara - Spanish mackerel
  • SAWARA – Spanish mackerel

As described in the characters, Spanish mackerel is a Spring fish. In western Japan, it is said that the approaching Spring is the best season to enjoy it.
Fresh Spanish mackerel can be widely enjoyed as sashimi, saikyozuke (pickling in Kyoto-style miso) or reianyaki grill.

KONOSHIRO – Gizzard shad

  • Konoshiro - Gizzard shad

Gizzard shads are considered to be in their peak season between late Fall and Winter. It is a crucial topping for sushi that holds the success of the restaurant in its preparation.
There is a saying In Edo-styled sushi that states, “sushi stops at Kohada (shad), as the amount of salt and vinegar used showcases the skills of the chefs.


  • Katsuo - Bonito

Catches have arrived earlier than previous years and we are starting to see those from Wakayama and Tsushima in the Fukushima market. The current catch is characteristic for having little marbling in the red meat with a more refreshing taste. Searing them and preparing them as tataki draws out the fresh flavor even more. Why not give it a try?

HAGATSUO – Striped bonito

  • Hagatsuo - Bonito

Striped bonito is spectacular when enjoyed as tataki as searing the skin draws out a fragrant aroma.
The red meat of striped bonito, in the middle between those of bonito and Spanish mackerel, doesn’t have the iron scent unique to bonito and is especially flavorful with umami.
Maximizing the proximity to the breeding waters, the Fukushima market will ship directly to the U.S., preserving the fresh quality.

SUMA – Back skipjack

  • SUMA - Black Skipjack

Black Skipjacks are enjoyed mainly in Western Japan as sashimi, salt-grill, sweet-boils and fritters. Though it is
delicious all-year long, they are especially delectable during their peak season from Fall through Spring. You will feel the slight acidity and marbling that melts in your mouth when enjoying it as sashimi.
西日本を中心に、刺身や塩焼き、煮つけ、唐揚げなどにして賞味されています。通年美味しい魚ですが、旬である秋から春はさらに味がよくなります。 お刺身にするとトロッとした微かな酸味と旨味が舌の上に感じられます。

INA SABA – “INA” Brand Wild Mackerel

  • INA Saba - INA brand mackerel
  • Ina Saba - Mackerel Japan

Only those mackerel, among those native to the nutritious Tsushima waters, who meet rigorous criteria of those caught in the Ina fishing port are called Ina Saba (mackerel). Standards include that they are caught on a single line,
have no scratches on their bodies, cooled in ice and water for more than 6 hours immediately after catching, and selected by size so that they make a box weighing around 5kg.
餌が豊富な対馬近海で育ったサバの中から、伊奈漁港に上がったもののうち厳格な基準を満たした鯖のみが伊奈サバとして出荷されます。一本釣り、魚体に傷が無い、水揚げした直後水氷で 6 時間以上冷やし込みされたもの、5 キロ前後でひと箱になるようにサイズ選別された物といった点が基準になります。

KAWAHAGI – Filefish

  • KAWAHAGI - Filefish
  • KAWAHAGI - Filefish

Although it is a delicious fish all year round, the flavor is extraordinary between Fall and Winter when the marbled white meat melds beautifully with the liver. It is also delicious to use liver-soy sauce on the sashimi by boiling and melting the liver into the soy sauce.

UMAZURAHAGI – Black scraper

  • UMAZURAHAGI - Black scraper

Fall would be the best if enjoying this fish because the meat has recovered, and the liver has fattened.
The sizes are starting to increase now, too.

USUBAHAGI – Unicorn leatherjacket

  • USUBAHAGI - Leatherjacket

These are large fish that grow to 50-50cm in size. They are reasonably priced for their size with a white meat that pairs well with fat, lending it to be used in Western cuisine as well. They are a useful fish for Japanese pubs and so on due to their large size yet affordable price compared to filefish and scraper.

HOTARU-IKA – Firefly squid

  • HOTARUIKA – Fire Fry Squid

It has been enjoyed as a seasonal food to eat during spring in Toyama and Hyogo Prefectures. Please enjoy as “okizuke” which is a type of seasoned and pickled dish, marinated with vinegared miso, or as tempura.

AORI-IKA – Bigfin reefsquid

  • AORI-IKA - Bigfin reef squid

Aoriika is known as the king of squids, and its sashimi is considered to be of the finest quality in the squid family.
Its flesh is rich in sweetness and is very soft but also has a good amount of strength in texture. It is a very popular and crucial item used in Edomae style sushi and tempura.
「イカの王様」とも呼ばれ、イカ類の刺身の中では最上のものとされます。肉質は柔らかくも適度な弾力に富みんで極上の甘みがあり、江 戸前の寿司や天ぷらの寿司種として欠かすことのできないものです。


  • YARI-IKA - Spear squid

Spear squid are caught in masses between the Winter and Spring when they come towards the shore for spawning. There is a saying that says, “swordtip squid in Summer, sear squid in the winter.” The most popular are the large sear squid that are caught between Winter and Spring that are filled with young.

KO-IKA – Golden cuttlefish

  • KO-IKA / SUMI-IKA - Cuttlefish

A type of squid called Ko-Ika, also called “Sumi-Ika” in the Kantō region, is a very popular and crucial seafood used for Edomae-style sushi and tempura.
Due to its popularity, the market price of Ko-Ika is very expensive and can cost up to $200/KG in the beginning of its best season.
The baby squids, called Shin-Ika, reach their best season and get shipped into the market from around July. Later, Ko-Ika will have its best season from late Autumn to early Spring.