Toyosu Market in October


MODORI KATSUO – Returning bonito

  • Katsuo - Bonito

As the tides shift and the autumn currents begin moving south off the Sanriku coast, the season for Katsuo intensifies. Although typhoon season brings some uncertainty, this year has seen a good catch since the season opened, and the fish are rich in fat. The season ends in November, so make sure to take
advantage of these top-quality catches while you can!

AKI-SAKE – Autumn salmon

  • Sake - Salmon
  • Akisake

We have a selection of excellent Hokkaido autumn salmon.
These large fish feature strikingly blue skin with beautifully shimmering silver scales. Be sure to take advantage of this premium product during the autumn season.

WILD UNAGI – Wild eel

  • UNAGI – Eel (Wild)

As winter approaches, the eel becomes plumper. High-quality wild eel from Lake Shinji in Shimane
Prefecture and Lake Hamana in Shizuoka Prefecture, ranging from 300g to nearly 1kg, are expected to
arrive. Please consider adding these to your menu.

KAMASU – Barracuda

  • Kamasu - Japanese Barracuda

Barracuda season looks strong across the country. While summer brought smaller fish, Now through spring, we’ll have a good selection of thick, plump barracuda. Please don’t hesitate to make use of them in your offers.

SUJIKO – Salmon roe

  • Sujiko - Salmon Roe

We have a stable supply of large salmon roe arriving by air.Though the season is long, timing your purchase can be tricky.
Autumn roe is of exceptional quality, offering great value for its price. We recommend placing
an order before winter arrives!

TSURI SAWARA – Line-caught Spanish mackerel

  • Sawara - Spanish mackerel

The season for line-caught Sawara begins in Yamagata’s Shonai Beach, followed by high-quality products from Mie Prefecture. The catch starts at around 2kg, still small. The fishers go out in small boats and use hand lines to maintain freshness, bringing their haul directly to the Toyosu market.
Be sure to consider adding this delicacy to your menu.

SURUMEIKA – Pacific flying squid

Aomori Prefecture’s Surumeika are starting to come in. These autumn and winter squid, with their plump livers, are perfect for sushi and a la carte dishes, as well as for making shiokara (fermented squid). Be sure to consider these for the season.

EBODAI – Japanese butterfish

Known as a prime fish for grilling, Ebodai is in season from now until spring. Fish from nearby waters are well-fed and fatty, making them perfect for sushi, a la carte dishes, or course meals. Please incorporate this versatile fish into your offerings.
焼き物の代表格とも言えるエボダイ。 この時期から春先まで、良型のものが 安定して入荷します。近海物は脂が乗 っており、寿司はもちろん、一品料理 やコース料理にもぜひお役立てくださ い。

NAMA SHIRASU – Raw whitebait

The peak season for fresh Shirasu from Suruga Bay, Shizuoka Prefecture, and Sagami Bay,
Kanagawa Prefecture is upon us!
Since Sunday is a rest day for fishers, we recommend placing your orders for the latter half of the
week. This fish has broad culinary applications and can satisfy a wide range of customer preferences.
静岡県駿河湾や神奈川県相模 湾で、秋漁の最盛期に突入し ます。日曜日が浜休みとなる ため、仕入れの際は週の後半 に向けたオーダーをお勧めし ます。調理用途が非常に幅広 く、様々な層のお客様に対応 できます!

TACHIUO – Beltfish

  • TACHIUO - Beltfish

The season for line-caught cutlassfish in inner bays is at its peak! Across the board, products from all regions are of exceptional quality, and the season will continue for some time. Please make this a part of
your selections.

WILD MADAI – Japanese red sea bream

  • Madai - Sea Bream
  • Madai - Japanese sea bream

From Kyushu to Kanto, the season for wild sea bream starts in October. Catches using various methods—line fishing, stationary nets, and purse seine—will begin arriving in volume. This autumn
sea breams are well-fed, and prices are stable. This is the No.1 white fleshed fish of the season!