Wagyu Beef

What is “Wagyu”?
Wagyu beef is known for exquisite marbling, tenderness and luxurious flavor. Wagyu beef has been popularly known as “Kobe beef”. (Kobe City is one of the renowned Wagyu producing regions of Japan).
Wagyu cattle are breeds derived from an indigenous Asian cattle stock going back over 1,200 years. In regional isolation in mountainous land of Japan, Wagyu cattle has been bred and kept its pure bloodline over the centuries. Among the major breeds of Wagyu, the most praised breed is “Japanese Black”, and this is the breed of our brand.
Each and every head of Wagyu cattle is given time and attention, and raised lovingly by feeding specialists in the vast open spaces of Japan. In addition to a well managed environment – a carefully designed diet including rice, hay, wheat, and bran to raise cattle that are both healthy and produce great tasting beef, and cattle sheds kept in immaculate condition so as not to stress the delicate cattle – Wagyu cattle are bred with human compassion and attention. Outstanding production technologies and the pride of the master in pursuit of perfect Wagyu gives way to superior quality found nowhere else in the world.
entro de la rica naturaleza de Japón, el “Wagyu” es alimentado y criado uno por uno de manera individual por especialistas. A cada unidad se le dedica muchísimo tiempo y se le trata con esmero.Con la finalidad de buscar una crianza de ganados saludables y relmente sabrosos, se le proporcionan altimentos a base de arroz, paja, trigo y salvado de trigo. Asimismo, para evitar el estrés de éstos se los mantiene en establecimentos de alta calidad y de excelente hygiene. Y se suma a todo ello el buen ambiente reinante, la dedicación y el amor del personal a cargo de los establecimientos. La destacada tecnología ganadera y el orgullo de los maestros en lograr alcanzar el objetivo de endontrar el sabor del “Wagyu” ideal, hace posible la creación de este producto de alta calidad inexistente en otros países.
Wagyu Beef

What is “Wagyu”?
Wagyu beef is known for exquisite marbling, tenderness and luxurious flavor. Wagyu beef has been popularly known as “Kobe beef”. (Kobe City is one of the renowned Wagyu producing regions of Japan).
Wagyu cattle are breeds derived from an indigenous Asian cattle stock going back over 1,200 years. In regional isolation in mountainous land of Japan, Wagyu cattle has been bred and kept its pure bloodline over the centuries. Among the major breeds of Wagyu, the most praised breed is “Japanese Black”, and this is the breed of our brand.
Each and every head of Wagyu cattle is given time and attention, and raised lovingly by feeding specialists in the vast open spaces of Japan. In addition to a well managed environment – a carefully designed diet including rice, hay, wheat, and bran to raise cattle that are both healthy and produce great tasting beef, and cattle sheds kept in immaculate condition so as not to stress the delicate cattle – Wagyu cattle are bred with human compassion and attention. Outstanding production technologies and the pride of the master in pursuit of perfect Wagyu gives way to superior quality found nowhere else in the world.
entro de la rica naturaleza de Japón, el “Wagyu” es alimentado y criado uno por uno de manera individual por especialistas. A cada unidad se le dedica muchísimo tiempo y se le trata con esmero.Con la finalidad de buscar una crianza de ganados saludables y relmente sabrosos, se le proporcionan altimentos a base de arroz, paja, trigo y salvado de trigo. Asimismo, para evitar el estrés de éstos se los mantiene en establecimentos de alta calidad y de excelente hygiene. Y se suma a todo ello el buen ambiente reinante, la dedicación y el amor del personal a cargo de los establecimientos. La destacada tecnología ganadera y el orgullo de los maestros en lograr alcanzar el objetivo de endontrar el sabor del “Wagyu” ideal, hace posible la creación de este producto de alta calidad inexistente en otros países.