MADAI – Wild Red Seabream

Madai (Wild) ‐ Red sea bream / Around 2kg / Kyushu sea shore
Caught all year around but this time around is at its best condition.
SAWARA – Spanish Mackerel

Sawara – Spanish mackerel / 3-4kg / Chiba/ Kanagawa
As the name suggests, Sawara means spring fish. During this time the flesh is very oily, making any dish best dish of the season!
SAKURA MASU – Cherry salmon

Sakura Masu – – Cherry Salmon / 1.5-3kg / Hokkaido
Stable quality ones are arriving from Nemuro, Hakodate, Aomori and other places. The light pink color flesh has lot of oil and tasty!
First Bonito / Hatsu Katsuo

Katsuo – Bonito / 3kg up / Wakayama
It is a fish that will let you know the arrival of spring. The meat is refreshing, the color is deep and very beautiful. Please try “Katsuo-no-tataki” with this!
CHI-AYU – Young Sweetfish

Chi Ayu – Young Sweetfish / 150g/TR
It is going into full season now. Bones are soft and can be eaten whole, so whole fried is very exquisite to try.
AINAME – Ikijime Greenling

Ainame – Fat greenling / 1kg up / Aomori
Although it is a farmed one, it has lot of oil in its white flesh. It is very good for sashimi, grilled, boiled dishes.
SOGI (HIRAME) – Wild Young Flounder

Hirame – Fluke / Under 1kg / Chiba
It is a small flounder about 35 cm in length. Pretty white flesh is perfect for sashimi and sushi.
SUZUKI – Wild Japanese Seaperch

Suzuki – Japanese sea bass / Around 2kg / Hyogo
Will be entering the season at this time. Although it is not high season yet, but good ones are already coming in.
IKIJIME HAMO – “Ikijime” Pike Conger Eel

Hamo – Pike eel (Pike conger) / Around 500g / Hyougo
Hamo have started come in. It will be going to be steadier from now.
MAKO KAREI – Marbled Sole
Makogarei ‐ Marbled sole / Around 1kg / Tokyo Bay
It is still bit unstable for ordering, but please still try it.
“GEN” SABA – “Gen” Mackerel

Gen saba / Around 800g / Oita
The quality is now stable, and it is very fat now. It is the best for raw eating.
AMADAI – Japanese Tilefish

Amadai – Japanese Tilefish / Around 1kg / Kanagawa
The more you chew the more sweetness comes out, and it is very exquisite. It fits various recipes.
噛めば噛むほど甘い味が出てきて絶品です。 いろんな調理法に合います。
KAMASU – Japanese Barracuda

Kamasu – Japanese Barracuda / 300gUp / Kanagawa
This time around will be the last time for kamasu. It still has some oil in the flesh. It is delicious both raw and grilled.
NAMA-HOTARUIKA – Raw Firefly Squid

Hortaru Ika – Firefly Squid / 21pc-TR / Toyama
It is also a newborn firefly squid. Just like the boiled, it still has price fluctuation. Recently used in French and Italian dishes as well. It goes well with pasta dishes.
HOTARU-IKA – Boiled Firefly Squid

Hotaru Ika – Firefly Squid / 300g/Tray / Toyama
The grain is getting bigger. However, because the price of items is still high, it is also possible to try it from Hyogo for a while. In the case of Toyama designation, please write “Toyama” within an order.
HIRAKI-TORIGAI / Boiled Cockle

Torigai Mukimi Fresh / 6pc or 9pc tray / Aichi
The price has started to stabilize. The body is thick, and the texture is now at the best.