MADAI – Sea Bream

Madai – Seabream (wild) / Genkai-Nada / Nagasaki
Japanese people simply love this fish. It has a long history of being served on special occasions in Japan. This fish has a delicious fatty part under the skin. “Shimokawa-tsukuri” is the best sashimi style to make use of the tasty fatty parts. Roasting the fat along with the skin is also a recommended method of eating sea bream.
HIRAME – Wild Fluke
Hirame – Fluke / Kyushu
In recent years, there is a large amount of farm-raised hirame in the fish market, but wild hirame in this season has an incomparable taste.
KISU – Smelt / Whiting

Kisu – Smelt / whiting / Fukuoka
The most delicious season for Kisu is generally said to start in June, but in the Kyushu region, the best season begins in April. Some of the best ways to eat this fish include the “yakishimo” method where you grill the skin with a burner then drop it in ice water, as well as the “konbujime” method where you lightly salt and wrap it in kelp.
KANPACHI – Amberjack

Kampachi – Amberjack / Ooita
The fresh meat of kanpachi has less fat content compared to other yellowtail family fishes (Buri, Hiramasa).
Wild kanpachi has a higher value in the fish market than other yellowtail family fishes because the catch quota of wild kanpachi (amberjack) is smaller than that of wild buri and hiramasa.
INADA/YAZU – Young Yellowtail

Inada (Yazu) – Yellowtail Young / Saga / Nagassaki / Fukuoka
Yazu is a “Shusseuo” name of young yellowtail in Fukuoka area market. It has less fatty meat compare to Buri. It has elegant sweetness and satisfying texture.
HIRAMASA – Yellowtail Amberjack

Hiramasa – Yellowtail Amberjack / Tsushima Island
This fish doesn’t have as much fat as Buri, but has more fat and “umami” content compared to kanpachi.
ISAKI – Japanese Grunt fish

Isaki – Japanese grunt fish / Genkai-Nada / Nagasaki
The best season for Isaki comes around early summer, which is when Isaki ride the Tsushima current through the offshore area of Iki Island and arrive at the Chikuzen Sea to lay eggs.
Isaki travel in flocks, and these flocks are often seen in places like artificial reefs. It is a white meat fish with a unique flavor and the perfect amount of fat, which can be enjoyed especially with the large-sized Isakis.
AJI “IZUMI” – Hourse Mackerel

Izumi Aji – Horse mackerel / Izumi, Kumamoto
Nonmigratory-type yellow horse mackerel that grows up in coastal bays and attains a golden color and round form. This fish has moderate fat content and very high quality flesh with a delicious sweetness.
MAKOGAREI – Marbled Flounder

Makogarei ‐ Marbled sole / Genkai-nada
In Japan, the best season for flounder is winter, but the best season of Makogarei-Marbled Sole is from spring to the beginning of summer. It’s an all-rounded fish suited for any cooking methods.
ANAGO – Sea eel
Anago – Conger eel
Anago – Conger eel / Tsushima Island
Anago that is raised on the western offshore of Tsushima with abundant, high quality food, has a larger body than the common anago with better fat content as well. It really is the golden anago like its name says.
ISHIDAI – Rock porgy
Ishidai – Striped bakefish
Ishidai – Striped bakefish / Kyushu
Ishidai is a standard high-end fish in the Japanese seafood market. Its firm white meat is superb, and its flesh right next to the skin is very delicious as well. Please use Ishidai in your luxurious seafood dinners and enjoy!
KINMEDAI – Alfonsino
KINMEDAI – Alfonsino
KINMEDAI – Alfonsino / Tosashimizu, Kochi
The north-flowing “Kuroshio” ocean current brings a rich ocean harvest to Tosashimizu City in the southeastern part of Kochi, Japan.
Fishermen on small boats catch kinmedai one by one with fly fishing gear. The fish are handled very carefully, and in the evening of the same day they are packed for shipping to cities in the USA.
TACHIUO – Beltfish
Tachiuo – Beltfish
Tachiuo – Beltfish / Oita / Tsushima / Goto Islands
The breeding season of tachiuo is June to October. In fall to winter, after the breeding season, the fish grows larger and the fatty taste is better.
Grilled Tachiuo
RENKODAI – Yellowback seabream
Kidai / Renkodai – Yellowback sea bream
Kidai / Renkodai – Yellowback sea bream / Genkai-nada
In the Japan fish market, when this fish is compared to Madai (sea-bream), the name value is lower but the taste is just as good. Roasting with some skin left on enhances the delicious taste.
SUZUKI – Japanese Sea perch
Suzuki – Japanese Sea Bass
Suzuki – Japanese Sea Bass / Fukuoka
In the Japan fish market, when this fish is compared to Madai (sea-bream), the name value is lower but the taste is just as good. Roasting with some skin left on enhances the delicious taste.
AORI IKA – Bigfin reef squid
Aori Ika – Bigfin reef squid
Aori Ika – Bigfin reef squid / Kagoshima / Tsushima / Goto Islands
Aoriika is known as the king of squids, and its sashimi is considered to be of the finest quality in the squid family. Its flesh is rich in sweetness and is very soft but also has a good amount of strength in texture. It is a very popular and crucial item used in Edomae style sushi and tempura.
YARI-IKA – Sear Squid
Yari Ika – Spear Squid
Yari Ika – Spear Squid / Kyushu
Large quantities of this squid are caught during their breeding season of winter to spring. The best tasting season is also winter to spring.
In Japan, if you like to eat squid, kensaki-ika is good for summer, yari-ika is good for winter, and kiomochi-yari-ika (with eggs inside) is very popular from winter to spring.
KO-IKA – Golden Cuttlefish
Mongo Ika – Cuttlefish
Mongo Ika – Cuttlefish / Genkai-nada / Kita-Satsuma
A type of squid called Ko-Ika, also called “Sumi-Ika” in the Kantō region, is a very popular and crucial seafood used for Edomae-style sushi and tempura. Due to its popularity, the market price of Ko-Ika is very expensive and can cost up to $200/KG in the beginning of its best season. The baby squids, called Shin-Ika, reach their best season and get shipped into the market from around July. Later, Ko-Ika will have its best season from late Autumn to early Spring.
KURUMA EBI – Japanese tiger shrimp
Kuruma Ebi
Kuruma Ebi
Delivery of farm-raised, wild, frozen, and live prawns of various types are available.
SHAKO – Mantis Crab
Shako Mukimi – Mantis shrimp
Shako Mukimi – Mantis shrimp / Kyushu
It is often caught in the sandy grounds of basins such as the Hakata Bay. The shape of its forefoot is like that of a praying mantis, hence the name “mantis shrimp” which is often used abroad.
Female shako with eggs, called Katsubushi, which can be seen during spawning season from spring to summer, are particularly delicious and loved by many. It can be enjoyed as sushi, tempura, or simply boiled.
博多湾などの内湾の砂泥地でよく獲れます。前足の形がカマキリを連想させますので、海外ではカマキリエビの名があります。 産卵期の春~夏にカツブシと呼ばれる卵をもった雌が特に美味で、喜ばれています。寿司だね・てんぷらの他ゆでて食べます。
SAZAE – Turban shell
Sazae – Turbo cornutus
Sazae – Turbo cornutus / Kyushu
It’s one of the most popular sea snails in the Japanese seafood market. The best season for this snail is from spring to summer.
Tsuboyaki (grilled) or sashimi are the best cooking styles for this snail.
UNI – Sea urchin
Uni Sea Urchin Japan
Uni Sea Urchin Japan / Hokkaido
Ezobafun-UNI is a sea urchin harvested in the Hokkaido area and the four northern islands (south Kuril Islands). It has a beautiful orange color with a rich taste. This UNI is rare in the seafood market because of how little can be harvested from the ocean. It is a top-ranked UNI on the market because of its rich sweetness that cannot be compared to any other sea urchins. Some customers question the quality of sea urchins harvested at a location other than Hokkaido. However, the four northern islands is an ideal environment for sea urchins. This is a spot where warm and cold ocean currents meet, producing abundant plankton. There are also high quality sea kelp in this area for sea urchins to feed on. We ship top ranked UNI, mainly harvested around Habomai and Shakotan Islands.
北海道や北方四島捕れるエゾバフンウニはオレンジ色で濃厚な味わい、獲れる量がとても少ない希少な 雲丹です。バフンという名前のイメージとは違い、日本中で獲れる雲丹の中でも、他の追従を許さない濃厚で甘みのある最高級雲丹です。